This quote has been stuck to my fridge for many, many years. And although I liked it (my midwife, Elizabeth Bachner loved it the first time she saw it), I didn’t quite fully resonate with it until now. See before, I was in a little bit of resistance to it. Just the mere word “chaos” has such a negative connotation to it.
Well the past several months, I have been in the thick of this so-called anarchy. From miscommunications with my friendships to losing a job with a client to getting 2nd degree burns on my hand, wrist, butt, and upper thigh (where I couldn’t take care of myself or my son without assistance from my amazing mom and sister who took care of us for three weeks while I healed from the excruciating pain); to discovering news in what I felt was not particularly the best way to find out (at least in my eyes); to my son vomiting 11 hours straight when we were planning to leave that day because my organization, Family Love Village was facilitating our EAKK! (EcoArt Kidz Kollectiv!) program for a music and arts festival. The list just went on and on.
For most, they might shrink into playing small with the victim role or some might turn their pissosity of blame and rage towards others. Thankfully, I did neither. And instead of playing small, I chose to play BIG! Although it didn’t come without its challenges of choosing to play big, I did it anyways. I chose to surrender to what is and get really present to each lesson, each experience, each gift (as a dear friend calls it) that was presenting itself to me. Yesterday though, I had finally had it and decided to have a little pep talk with the Universe that I posted on social media. It went a little something like this:
“Hey Universe! Just wanted to let you know that I’m good with all the gifts and lessons you’ve been giving me the past couple of months! I have seen each lesson as a gift – not something that has victimized me whatsoever. I know that these gifts continue to empower me to stay in my Mama Warrior Prowess – which continues to bring me closer to my life’s purpose and its mission and ripple effect I would like to impact others with. No doubt about that one!
Interesting enough, someone told me the other day that my super power is chaos! That chaos’ reputation is not truly what people think it to be. For within the chaos – this is where creativity is born; where something is always stirring and where everything flows (rather than always being structured and so orderly, in other words, put inside a box). Interesting to see this in a new magical light: me and my new super power, that is.
I just gotta be frank though with that good ol’ saying, “when it rains, it pours” because I think I have had my fill! I think it’s a good idea to give Chaos some time to recuperate while I try on my other mama warrior powers!
I love you Universe and am grateful for all these moments that bring me into presence but I’m good for now (as I clean up my son’s vomit on the bed while trying to simultaneously put out fires that my organization, Family Love Village is coordinating for a music and art festival that we were planning to leave in a few hours for)! Eakk!This is where I continue to be in deep gratitude to my village; my tribe; my community! The beautiful sisterhood that has helped me through these tough couple of months…”
Suddenly that whole pep talk with Infinite Source, Universe, God, Goddess – whatever you’d like to call her/him/it – it was all starting to fall into place. As my hummingbird energy slowed down and focused solely on the most important person to me (my son and taking care of him through what was possibly food poisoning), a light began to shine within and everything was starting to make so much sense.
From the quote on this magnet to the woman who did a clearing session with me the other day and the seed she planted about chaos being my super power (and that it was a good thing) – I began to realize that creativity does truly birth within the magic of what most would want to run away from; to hide; to push away at the edges of their own Ego. But not I, not any longer.
See I’ve known for awhile now that when we get triggered by someone, it is never really about the other person. It is somewhere within ourselves that is missing a piece; a void where we possibly felt invalidated, rejected, unappreciated, and/or disapproved of as a child growing up that is trickling into our lives presently when it prompts us to react to someone else’s actions and/or words. Notice how I said react vs. respond when we get instigated? Ahh such is the practice to let go of the triggers and to respond from love rather than react from our fears.
One thing I have definitely been getting good at is getting present and listening to the different rhythms of what is now called my new super power. It has taken lots of skill and practice to harmonize with it. And just like this quote says, “It isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain.”
It’s kinda like the beauty of jazz: it seems like it can be all over the place yet each instrument, each tempo, each melody has its purpose – just like our experiences (whether a positive one or a negative one). So here’s something to ponder on: the next time your life seems a little bit chaotic and “out of control”, perhaps what is required is to feel the cadence of surrender and to embrace the gift being given to you rather than rejecting it. Because what may seem like the storm could actually be the pitter patter of your creative song coming to life! Who knows? Only one way to find out is to dance with it rather than to try and control it. And so my question to you my friend is, shall we dance?
#tangeelifecoach #connectioncoach #universallessons #thegifttogrow#dancingintherain #embracingthechaos #dancing star
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