We all have a choice in how we react OR how we respond in the world.

The difference between the two lies within the space you are choosing to come from.

We can choose to come from a place of Ego/fear or come from a space of Love.

There are truly only two places we can walk in the world. Love or Fear. All the other emotions are an extension of these two.

And when we do come from a place of fear, anger, frustration, bitterness – guess what?!

We also have the power to release that which is controlling us and choose to BE in a different space in every given moment. And in this moment. And in this moment.

Oh and THIS moment, too!

My question to you is:

Who do you choose to BE right now?

The choice is yours…in what way you can choose to:

Show Up, Connect to Your Truth and BE the Best Version of YOU!

Peace & Ignition,

Tangee Zenryka Veloso

The MamaWarriorPreneur